
...... connects 30 years of KNOWLEDGE in dancing, living, teaching, Feldenkrais and performing with the COURAGE to invent, to QUESTION and to innovate. To connect with people on a very basic and HUMAN level.



This means I am able to teach tango as a dance both at a high technical level and also as a way of BEING, a way to COMMUNICATE and a way to ENCOUNTER our deeper selves in this world of constant TRANSITION.
Say farewell to old patterns and stay alive. 





THIS WEBSITE  provides you with the practical information

of what I do and where I am.
Next to this a place to read about my experiences

and reflections on tango;

it being a metaphor for life.


A website, as life under constant construction I would hope.
It is an attempt to be a ‘REPRESENTATION’ of this multi dimensional,

complex, simple and embodied phenomenon

that is always in motion, never the same,

this what is most dear to us, most clear to us,

most direct and never lying, the language of movement.




I love these words from RODIN, the famous french sculptor;


“We are taught things as if they were divided,

And man leaves them divided.

Rare are those who consent to the patient effort required to reassemble them.

The secret of a good drawing is in the sense of its concordances:

Things launch into each other,
Interpenetrate and clarify one another mutually.

This is life’s way.”*


what tango students say:



—FRANK from Oslo
«I started dancing tango in 2004 and over the years I have met a lot of different male instructors in the art of dancing tango. Among all these, for me, Bennie stands out as my number one role-model when it comes to his ability and sincere dedication to integrate presence, playfulness and craftsmanship into his relationship with the music and his dance partners»


KARIN en LUC, Antwerpen
"Na elke workshop steeds weer verwonderd hoe Bennie erin slaagt, om vertrekkende van natuurlijke bewegingen en meer lichaamsbewustzijn te komen tot een bijzondere danservaring. Geen focus op pasjes leren maar wel op connectie tussen de danspartners waarbij begrippen als 'leider' en 'volger' wat vervagen. Op een creatieve en dynamische manier worden we als dansers uitgedaagd om hierin grenzen op te zoeken ... een ontdekkingstocht bij jezelf en in relatie tot je danspartner. Een voor ons vernieuwende vorm van lesgeven die erg aanspreekt en ons keer op keer doet uitkijken naar een volgende workshop" 🙂